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6 Moments from the Inauguration Day of Donald Trump,

Inauguration Day of Donald Trump In White House. 

Trump on the Front of the front of White House on Inauguration Day.

 donald trump, speech, ceremony,  white house,  inauguration day, guests, images

The Speech ceremony of the New 45th president of United State is Donald Trump during the Inauguration day on 20 January 2017. 

On the Inauguration day there was a rain, due to this Prestigious guest 

Ex- president George Bush wear the raincoat, & later get rid of this coat. 

On this D. Trump received the White House keys as well the Twitter account details, password etc.  

Most discussing personality is Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway coming for Inauguration Day. 

In the Inauguration ceremony in the Dance segment Donald Trump choose the song "My way, My way' & their first words are " And now end are near" " now end are near"

Ex- President Barak Obama wife Michelle Obama different gestures images at the Inaugurations Day.

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