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Diet Myths plan you should not believe.

Lose Weight & Slim fast Myths.  

Almost all diets work, as long as you go on those. But they stop working when you stop the treatment.

It says Marianne Borch from Norway. She is a cook with a Bachelor's degree in nutrition.

She believes that what characterizes slim methods that do not work is that they are often impossible to follow over time.

- When we talk about dieting, then we talk often a "diet." A cure is something that is basically intended as something momentary. It has a start and an end.

lose weight, slim, fast, balance weight, carbohydrates, ways, diet myths, plans.

- Exception condition for reaching a goal
Borch exemplifies a person who insists on 10 kg, starting on a cure that lasts three months.

- There may be a suppekur , Pulverkur (Cambridge Weight Plan) or other extreme diet. Just enough to get bikini ready tropical trip. The cure is complete, you are happy, you are the goal. The cure worked great! Now life can begin again, the cure is finally over!

- It is this that makes the method is silly. You have not learned much more than compulsive refrain from anything you usually eat. You've been in a state of emergency in order to reach a specific goal, but when you saw is the goal you are tired of this treatment. You fall back into your old habits, which basically gave you those extra kilos you would dispose of.

Borch stating that it will not be included in the calculation of diets is that the body unable to meet their needs for nutrients. The diet is too restrictive and may over time cause deficiencies.

- The body recognizes hunger
Kari Bugge, nutritionist at Grete Roede, explains that there are large individual differences in how fast you can lose weight.

- My experience is that those who are close normal weight, which is pretty slim and that will be leaner, you often need to spend more time. It looks like body suits bit more on the last kilos, she says and explains further:

- It also seems that those who have lost weight many times before, must use longer obese than those who lose weight for the first time. The body recognizes this hunger and body reduces combustion to fit in, says Bugge.

Borch agrees and emphasizes that there is no simple answer to how quickly one can lose weight since all bodies are different:

- Some manage nice to go down quickly, and keep your weight. Others just get up again for a quick weight loss. Slow weight loss may increase the chance of keeping the kilos off, if you go down due to a change of habits, she says.

The most common diet myths  

Nutritionist Martine Dokken believe that there is one slim myth that goes above all others:

- Slimming method that is most nonsense is arguably all types of supplements that promise riches and success. Everything from spinach leaf powder to chili and other inventive things, are mostly poorly documented and wasted money. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely that, says Dokken.

The three nutrition experts are in total agreement about which diet methods unalloyed myths you should steer far away.

Here summarizes the most common diet myths:

Martine Dokken:

Courier with extremely low calorie: juice- or soup cures. This is a short term solution, if you can manage and implement. Along the way there is a danger that you lose both muscle mass and burns.

Violent dietary restrictions: They will always work as long as you are in caloric deficit, but they can create a very strained relationship with food and do that one begins to fear completely harmless foods. Unless you have special needs beyond that to lose weight, you can nicely do it with regular food.

Kari Bugge:

Pills and powders: May cause a temporary weight loss, but unless you make changes in your lifestyle, the diet one has, one will go up again in weight when one begins with normal diet again.

Spicy food increase metabolism: It's marginally that it alone provides a weight loss.

Much exercise helps you lose weight: It is beneficial to train when to lose weight, but exercise alone gives a small profit of weight. If one does not think of the food you put in it, will be compensated by increasing energy intake. You do not lose weight by just exercising without dietary change.

Marianne Borch:

You gain weight by eating late at night: There is no logic in that you gain weight by eating late at night . There is limited intake overall at play. But do you eat a big meal right before bedtime, you may feel a bit awkward the next morning. The body has no need for a large meal late at night if you eat well during the day. A small light meal will be fine for most people. Those who eat little early in the day would love to get a greater dining needs throughout the evening, especially if they have been "good" and eaten little during the day. Are you hungry at night you will naturally eat, you should not be afraid that you put on yourself. But know that there is a difference between hunger and "craving for something good" .

Carbohydrates are not the enemy.

Despite the myriad of diet myths, is possibly the greatest of all that carbohydrates are the biggest enemy in your diet:

- No, carbohydrates are not dangerous. Lying low in carbohydrates is not a prerequisite for successful weight loss, says Dokken.

She gets support from Borch:

- Carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation, but to call it an enemy in your diet is to take it a bit far. It is a pity that it almost is considered dangerous to eat a lot of carbohydrates. Low carb wave has affected the carbohydrates have become the new culprit, such as fat was earlier, she says.

Borch says that although many have lost weight on carbohydrate reduced diet, we need to distinguish between extreme low carbon or "eggs and bacon Low-carbohydrate " and low carbon to the extent that you cut out the "fast carbohydrates" that do not give your body much positively beyond pleasure and energy.
- These are carbohydrates that come from white sugar, soft drinks and other beverages with sugar, candy, cookies, cakes, buns, chips and other snacks, says Borch.

Different types of Carbohydrates

Bugge has simultaneously impression that the fear of carbohydrates is more slower now.
- More might have understood that there is a difference between carbohydrates in the form of white sugar and fast carbohydrates, which are found in refined foods and fine pastries, versus carbohydrates in whole grain bread products and brown rice. By choosing the healthy carbohydrates, this gives a satiety as it lasts, and one experiences a slower drop in blood sugar.And you get plenty of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in the bargain, she says.
Broch says that white bread, white pasta, noodles and cereals containing fast carbohydrates you can cut down on if you want to reduce weight.
- Many eating slices for breakfast, lunch and supper. Often shows up as an accompaniment to dinner too, in the form of pita, baguettes or bread soup. I would not say that there is a varied diet. The only thing that is varied when might the order, she says.
Want weight loss can advantageously be cut in brødmat, in favor of more vegetables, recommends Borch.
- Are you very active, tolerate you to eat more. I highly recommend a varied diet with lots of colors. Some fruits and lots of vegetables, and the most pure and natural ingredients. Eat most "brown" and rough carbs when it comes to rice, pasta and bread. They contain fiber, and will thus not give as quick blood sugar rise as the light variations, tipping her.

Proper way to lose weight

If you want to lose weight in a healthy and good way, it need not be terribly difficult.
Here are Borch, Bugge and Doll best tips:
  1. Find a good answer as to why you want to lose weight.About the only reason is the desire to see 65 kilograms in weight instead of 70, this does not give a good enough motivation along the way. Want to get into the national costume, this gives another motivation since the pounds loss creates a change.
  2. Know how to do this. Be aware of a regular meal rhythm, limit energy intake for a period, learn what to eat.
  3. Eat regular meals until you are fit filling, cut out all unnecessary snacking.
  4. Be aware of your habits, and then change the habits that are not favorable.
  5. Controlling emotions and stress. Many eat to cope with stress and difficult emotions.
  6. Train strength while losing weight! This prevents unnecessary muscle loss, which in turn allows it to burn will be lower. Increased muscle mass provides increased metabolism.
  7. Planning is important . Eat regularly, and be sure to have good food available, so as to avoid throwing you over unfavorable foods.
  8. Handle only what you plan to eat. Not having sweets in wait to visit.
  9. Try to get a natural and relaxed relationship with food and eating. Learn to listen to your body, instead of counting calories on a daily basis.
  10. Cut out white sugar! Be aware that sugar occurs where you least expect it; in sugar bag in candy, in much refined foods, yogurts, cakes, biscuits, sauces, dressings. Make the most food itself, by pure ingredients, so as to avoid a lot of the hidden sugar.
  11. By denying yourself all that is good, you're going to burst sooner or later. Find also some good replacements.
  12. Do not replace meals with diet shakes and bars greatly. Focus on a normal food intake and use weight reduction process of testing and new healthier habits. Then the danger of returning to the bad habits your less.

How to keep your weight stable

To lose weight can be easy, but it is to keep the new weight is difficult. Once you've reached your match weight, you should therefore know what to do to keep yourself at this level - the rest of your life.
- Then you have to train on the new habits. Those who manage to make permanent changes are those that manage to keep the weight. They have learned about portion sizes, become aware of bad habits, they avoid nibbling along when they make dinner and is conscious of snacking throughout the day, says Bugge.
She says also that if you hold on meal rhythm and eat regularly, avoid "buying half Narvesen" after work.
- Be careful with alcohol intake, be aware that not energy intake goes up again.
Dokken recommends regular exercise so that you are aware that the total of daily activity can amount to much, and is just as important as the time at the gym.
- Get to know your eating pattern and your eating habits, so you only eat when you are hungry and unable to stop when you are full. To stop only once in a while, not every day, tipping her.
Borch says that only permanent changes applicable to permanent weight loss.
- A dull response to those who would prefer to lose weight quickly and with minimum effort.Should you keep your new weight, you need to keep your new habits, she says.
Most people who lose weight, often go up again.
- The body had a higher weight and will often return to a higher weight again. Can you keep your new weight for a few years, it seems that it increases the chance that there will be lasting, without that one can say that this applies to all , says Borch and tipping further:
Stay active, move a little each day . Find activities that you enjoy. If you hate jogging, go for a hike instead. The main thing is that you do not end up back on the couch again. Hold on to your new eating habits. Have a regular meal rhythm. It's okay to end up once in a while, but try your way and find out how much you "tolerate" before you notice that you put on again, she says.
And when you "go on a bang," it is important to know that you fine can pick you up quickly again:

- It is normal weight fluctuates a bit, but if you notice that you are about to go back to old habits, take a little "chat" with yourself. Ask yourself why it is important for you not to gain weight again. Grasp before it goes too far, advises Broch.

What's Your Diet Plan.?

Reference :  Klikk.no

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